Indie books are books published by the author by self publishing or hiring a hybrid publisher. E-book publishing changed the traditional way of publishing. There are many excellent books that have been self or hybrid published and I want to showcase the ones I read on this page. Check the authors to find other books by them! Happy Reading
Indie books i recommend
Please check by the author names for other books they have written
My book club just hosted Denny Hamann who has published three books all based on the history he found out about his own family. The books are Historical Fiction and are very interesting. We rated Cottonville Rd a "10".
Another one we read recently was A Sea Les Traveled by Les Pendleton. It takes place mostly in New Bern, NC, a lovely coastal town. It is a delightful book. I ended up reading his follow up as well. Highly recommend both.
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Another one we read recently was A Sea Les Traveled by Les Pendleton. It takes place mostly in New Bern, NC, a lovely coastal town. It is a delightful book. I ended up reading his follow up as well. Highly recommend both.
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